What is coaching?

Coaching is a very powerful tool that helps you live a life in accordance with what truly matters to you. Coaching helps you to expand what you think is possible, you will gain renewed perspectives towards a more fulfilling life and career and explore new possibilities. 

During our sessions, you will come up with your own answers and your own solutions to the challenges you are currently facing. What’s more empowering than that?

The International Coaching Federation ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

My career as a coach: 

In 2019, I started a coaching training program with the Co-Active Training Institute recognized as the most rigorous and respected coach training, the gold standard of coaching. In June 2021 I completed my certification path and became a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). In September 2021 I obtained the ACC credential from ICF, the International Coaching Federation. In January 2024 I obtained the PCC credential from ICF. So far I coached more than 100 individual clients and completed more than 500 hours of individual coaching. 

When coaching, I use the Co-Active Model – I see you as creative, resourceful, and whole, and, as such, I believe in you and your capabilities: you have an innate wisdom about how to best live your life. And yet, sometimes you just need support in getting clarity on how to move forward.

 That's when I come in. 

More about me... 

Born and raised in the north of Italy, Valle di Ledro (Trentino) is my home: in my eyes the most spectacular valley you will ever visit (both in summer and winter). 

I completed my Master’s degree in Padova and I moved to Amsterdam, NL in 2011 without much of a plan and I am still here. I'm the mother of a very funny, curious, and energetic little girl. 

I worked for about 10 years in the travel & tourism industry before becoming a professional coach. Other than coaching, I am very passionate about mountains and alpine skiing, which is kind of ironic because I live in a country that for one-third is below sea level. 

🌷If you really knew me you would know that I'm a terrible cook, don't ask me about recipes or styles of cooking, but I do love eating.

🌷If you really, really knew me you would know that, being rather small in the Netherlands where people are very tall, I always struggle to find suitable bikes.

🌷If you really, really, really knew me you would know that, given the possibility, I would nap anywhere and everywhere. My ideal amount of sleep per night is +9 hours. 

That's me, in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to meeting you!